Quest: Event Gamification in Amego

Quest is the name we've given to our fun, native gaming system within Amego. We've built a great gaming foundation and have plans to add more features here throughout 2024.

Quest 101

Quest is a game that allows attendees to view and complete a number (2-10) 'stops'. Each stop includes an action that you as the event organizer wishes the attendee to take during your event. As stops are completed by the attendee, we show a celebration and mark the stop as completed. When all stops are completed, we show the quest as completed, along with a 'you did it!' message.

If you'd like Quest completions to power a gift redemption solution, like a scanner, please let us know.

Activity Tracking Options

There are three types of activity tracking:

QR codes:

    • You can use QR codes to track and give points to an activity that occurs outside of the app. For example, if you have a photo booth activity onsite you can create a QR code for the attendees to scan after taking a photo. If you aren't using lead scanners, you can also use QR codes for Sponsors throughout the Expo hall.
    • Use (or any generator) to create the QR codes. Just enter the text value of the QR code and when your attendees scan the QR, the stop will be completed.
      • Important: We recommend using all lowercase and no spaces to ensure your code is easily scanned. ie. photobooth2

In app Engagement:

    • Amego Surveys: You can choose to have survey completions as a stop, and when the attendee completes a question in an Amego survey, the stop will be completed.
    • Amego Networking: You can ch

Scanner Engagement:

    • Important: An EMS integration is required for Scanner engagements, please reach out to us to confirm this is in place for your event.
  • Session Scanning: When an attendee is scanned, they will complete the stop.
    • Session Any will work for any session
    • Session Scan is a particular session that you designate in Amego CMS

Learn More: If you'd like to know more about how to track quest activities via Scanners, check out the documentation here.

Networking Engagement:

  • Add contacts: When an attendee adds/ favorites a contact in the Networking tool, they will complete the stop.
  • Send message: When an attendee sends a message in the Networking tool, they will complete the stop.
  • Book meeting: When an attendee books a meeting in the Networking tool, they will complete the stop.
  • Edit profile: When an attendee edits their profile (photo upload) in the Networking tool, they will complete the stop.

Setting Up Quest


  • Name: What do you want to call the quest? 'Quest' is just an Amego way of talking about it - you can name it anything you like.
    • Character count: 25
  • Logo: Create a PNG logo for the game, ideally something fun that includes the name.
    • Image specs: Any Size
  • Game Intro Text: Help attendees understand the value in playing the game with a simple description.
    • Character count: 100
  • Activities Call to Action: Explain how to play and win the game
    • Character count: 100
  • Prize Won Text: Show attendees what they will win when they complete all stops. We recommend against a game without prizes.
    • Character count: 100
    • Image specs: 512x512 Square, PNG
  • Terms & Conditions:
    • Character count: 200
  • Audience: Who is allowed to participate in the game

Learn More: If you'd like to know more about creating multiple Quests based on Attendee Types, check out the documentation here.

Creating Activities

You can create 2-10 Quest activities/stops. Try to make it easy for an attendee to complete each stop, and try not to add to many stops. We recommend around 6 stops and only more if the additional stops are very easy to complete, like taking a survey. You'll need to have 2 images for each stop and have in mind how attendees can complete the stops, either by scan or in-app.

  • Activity Name: Show attendees to their next activity with a clear activity name
    • Character count: 25
  • Completion Instructions: Help attendees understand how to complete this specific activity
    • Character count: 150
  • Reward options:
    • Points: how many points does an attendee earn for completing the specific activity
    • Stop: completion of the activity unlocks the stop

Creating Prizes

  • Prize Name: Alert attendees of all potential prizes
    • Character count: 25
  • How to Win text: Explain to attendees what it takes to win this prize
    • Character count: 100
  • How to Earn:
    • Points/ Stop
    • How many Points/ Stops does it take to earn


    • Game Intro screen logo: Includes Game name and steps to participate
      • Image specs: 1080x1920, PNG
    • Activity images: an off version and an on version (completed) for each activity
      • Image specs: 512x512, PNG
    • Prize images: Images of Prizes (if applicable)
        • Image specs: 512x512, PNG
    • Confetti icons: Form a celebration confetti after each stop or game completion
      • Notes: 5-10 optional SVGs; Color selection available from branding
    • Completion screen: a portrait image used to celebrate the game being completed by the attendee
      • Specs: 1080x1920, PNG or GIF

Quest Intro screen

Final Quest Complete screen


For Quests that are using points to determine winners, we now offer a Leaderboard! The Leaderboard is found next to the Activities tab in the game and shows the top 10 point holders + where you stand. This is a great way to create a fun competition amongst the attendees

Managing Quest from the CMS

Learn More: If you'd like to know more about managing Quest from the CMS, check out the documentation here.

Onsite Game Metrics

For each game, we show the following metrics:

  • Quests started
  • Quest stops completed
  • Quest overall completed

Note we do not collect quest stats for individual attendees.

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