Amego Surveys

Surveys are one of the most powerful features in Amego. Our surveys are native, so they are quick and easy to use, resulting in better completion rates than alternate methods. Watch this video for a demo of how attendees will interact with surveys in your app:

Setting Up Surveys

To get started, you'll need to create at least one survey template. You can apply one template to all sessions, or you can create separate templates for each session or groups of sessions (i.e. breakouts get one template, keynotes get another). Go to Notifications > Surveys to create a template, and start by giving your template a name and selecting a survey time based on your session start time, plus choose Enroll or Attend as a trigger. Note that if your EMS is Swoogo, attend is already integrated but if you use another EMS, let us know and we can advise you further.

As shown in the demo video, your survey will 'slide up' at the appointed time. This creates an imperative for the attendee to complete the survey or dismiss it. Dismissed surveys will show on the Surveys screen for later completion, and the app will have the 'red dot' notification until all surveys are completed.

Next, you can set your questions by picking question types and then setting their order. Here are our survey question choices:

Option Description
5 Stars The attendee will give a 5 star rating for any question you ask. The resulting score will be an average of 1-5 for that question, i.e. 4.23.
5 Stars (Speaker) We create this question for you, using the text 'Please the speakers' and inserting all the session speakers along with their title and company. Each speaker will have a 1-5 average score.
Yes/No Yes/No results in a score of 1 (yes) or 0 (no), and your. resulting average will be between 0 and 1. A score of .68 means 68% said yes.
Net Promoter Score NPS is a 0-10 score for how likely the person is to recommend a company to another person. There is a specific way of asking this question - see this resource for more info.
Multiple Choice Multiple choice questions can be created and ordered, and the results will be the answers given with a percentage breakdown.
Open Text Open text questions are answered by the attendees and the text answer is shown in full, with attribution to the person who said it. Open Text questions are not anonymous.

With your template created, you are now able to add it to sessions. There are three ways you can do this:

1 - Add it to all sessions as the default in Settings > Content. Note if you do this, you can replace it session by session (see option 3). Also note that if you add it, then remove it, it will be removed from all sessions.

2 - Add it session by session, in Content > Sessions > Attributes > Notifications. You can choose specific templates here and replace the globally added survey if desired.

3 - Add globally, replace selectively. You can do 1, then 2 to save time on adding the main template but have the option to add specific survey templates to others.

Seeing Survey Results

In Notifications > Surveys > Results, you can see the results for a template overall, or you can click in to see results for a specific session. You can also filter by attributes to see results for a specific track or session type. Lastly, you can export results as a CSV.

Add Surveys to More

As a final step, add Surveys to your More screen. This way, if an attendee dismisses the survey they can always go back to see the list of pending surveys and complete them.

The Red Dot

Pending surveys will trigger the red dot on your app icon, on the More screen (if Surveys have been added as above), and on the Surveys item in More. It will remain until all surveys are completed.

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