Managing Push Notifications

Amego offers a highly sophisticated push messaging platform powered byOneSignal (at no additional cost to you). Using this platform, you can instantly send or schedule push messages that have a title, body, and optional image. These can be sent to all attendees (default) or to a segment that can be as granular as you wish. You can also choose to send messages based on location. Lastly, you can import push notifications if you want to save time.

We have an appendix with more specs and info from our push provider, OneSignal, at the end of this document.

Send to All

Simply enter a title and message, optionally add a PNG (2:1 aspect ratio), and hit send. This message will go to all who have opted into push notifications and sends within 60 seconds.

Send to a Segment

When you select “Attendee type or tag,” a new select list appears below. Select oneor more segments from the list to build your send-to list. You can define attendee types by adding tags in Settings > Attendees or tags in Attendees.

Selected audience:

Send Based On Location

You can also select a location (addresses from Google maps), and when theattendee enters either the radius of 100m or 1000m, the message will be sent immediately. These are great as “Welcome to...” or “Thanks for attending..” messages based on the location of the venue, airport, concert hall, etc.

Selected location:

Silent Push Messages

Silent Push items are exactly the same as push notifications, just silent. If you have a lot of notifications, consider sending some with this method to reduce the amount of friction and interruption your attendees will experience.

Importing Push Notifications

If you have a lot of these to add, try importing them. Our template is in Content > Import (link at top) and the last tab is the Notifications tab. Be mindful to import the time in the same format as shown there (you will need to set that column to be 'plain text' as it is in the template).

Can including hyperlinks

Push vs Silent notification:

  • Push notifications show on the attendee lock screen as well as in the notification screen in the app

  • Silent notifications show only on the notification screen in the app and is typically used for less critical information

OneSignal Documentation

Below is a brief outline of options you can configure for your mobile push notifications in OneSignal. Each mobile operating system supports push notifications differently.

For more in-depth platform-specific details, see our Push Notification Design blog post.

  1. Title: The top-most customizable text of the notification.
    1. About 25 character limit
    2. API: headings  property
    3. Supports: Emojis 👍, Message PersonalizationLanguage & Localization
    4. Push notifications do not support custom fonts or styling such as bold, italics or underlines. The style is set by the operating system.
  2. Message: The localized text the provides the notification's main content.
    1. About 150 characters limit
    2. API: contents  property
    3. Supports: Emojis 👍, Message PersonalizationLanguage & Localization
    4. Push notifications do not support custom fonts or styling such as bold, italics or underlines. The style is set by the operating system.
  3. Icons: The best way for users to recognize your app.
    1. Android, Amazon, Huawei provides Small and Large Icons. See Android: Notification Icons.
    2. iOS sets the icon based on your app's default icon.
    3. API: small_icon  & large_icon  property
  4. Large Image: The Images & Rich Media you can set within the message.
    1. Image size: 1440x720  pixels or 2:1  aspect ratio.
    2. Supports: PNG, JPG, GIF*
      1. Only iOS supports animated GIF. Android, Amazon, Huawei GIF frozen on first frame.
    3. API: ios_attachment  & big_picture  property
  5. Action Buttons: Customizable buttons to perform a custom action.
    1. See Action Buttons for details.
    2. API: buttons  property
  6. Timestamp: Set by the device when the message was received.
  7. App Name
    1. iOS: The Display Name in Xcode.
      1. Users must restart the device to see this change take effect.
    2. Android, Amazon, Huawei: The <application android:label="YOUR APP NAME">  in the AndroidManifest.xml
      1. See Android Customizations for more details.

See full OneSignal Documentation here:

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