Experience Amego with EventsGo

How can I try out the EventsGo app?

Our EventsGo app is published and ready for you any time you'd like to explore it. Here are the steps to follow:

1 - Register for our fictional demo event, FictionFest: https://amego.swoogo.com/fictionfest/begin

2 - Download EventsGo:

From your phone, go to: https://onelink.to/eventsgo

This link will automatically redirect you to the right app store, but here are those links just in case:

ios: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/eventsgo/id6468239259

android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amego.go

3 - Sign in using the email you registered in step 1 above.

4 - Explore FictionFest! We keep this app updated with most of our latest features. It will give you a great sense of our overall capabilities, and when you want to learn more, schedule a meeting with us for a custom demo.

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